WordPress: Disable archive pages

According to w3techs.com , around 27.4% of all websites worldwide are currently operated with the help of WordPress. In very many cases, these are not blogs. WordPress automatically generates numerous, often unused URLs and produces so many links indexed by Google that the website operator did not even have on the screen. All of this can be deactivated with a simple command.

These are for example

  • https://www.tld.com/author/foo/
  • https://www.tld.com/tags/bar/
  • https://www.tld.com/2014/04/baz/
  • https://www.tld.com/news/qux/

If you don't use the category / tag / date / author pages common for blogs, you can put an end to this hustle and bustle with the following hook in functions.php:


